Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Internal Struggle

What internal struggle is Katniss having since she and Peeta won the Hunger Games?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Plan...what plan?

How does President Snow's visit affect Katniss's plans to leave District 12?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The End!

Create a book review for the Hunger Games.  Make sure to follow my example below.

Title: Hunger Games by Mr. Popofski (Title of your Book Review)

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars (Rate the book out of 5 Stars)

Pros:  I really enjoyed the book as the action did not really stop and kept me wanting to read on.  I found it very easy to follow the characters and the storyline.  The setting in which the story takes place I thought was very unique and different from books that I have tried to read to my class.  The plot also reminded me of one of my favourite movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as he must fight till the death in order to save his life.
(Write what you liked about the book)

Cons:  My only con about the book is that are about to come out with the movie and I have a feeling that it will not do the book justice.  I hope I'm wrong and that Hollywood learned a lesson from Twlight and that it pays off to spend some money on the movie.
(Write what you did not like)

Overall: Overall I loved the book and would recommend it to everybody.  I think I have even talked Kendra into reading it.
(Write a last comment)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So Close!

Why do you think the Capitol is upset at Katniss & Peeta?  What did they do to make them mad?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What was Thresh Thinking.....

Why do you think Thresh let Katniss live?  Who do you think will be the final two people left?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Past or Present

The Hunger Games is written in the first-person, present tense. How does this affect the story?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Give at least two specific examples of how Katniss acted differently in the arena (than she normally would) because of the cameras.  In your own life, describe where in some way that you might have done this.