Monday, December 6, 2010

Past or Present

The Hunger Games is written in the first-person, present tense. How does this affect the story?


  1. I think this affects the story because it gives it more of a suspense feeling because it is like you are in the body of the other person, and it is happening right now. It gives the reader a feeling like you're actually in the situation.

  2. I think this affects the stroy because like what wendy said it give it more suspence and it makes you feel like you are in the book and that character in the book.

  3. I would say I have to agree with Wendy and Joel.
    The efect is it makes you see the story through the characters eyes

  4. I also think it makes it like you are the person in the games, that you are the one killing the person and that you are the one stugling to live

  5. It seems more realistic as you read it. It feels more like that Katniss is telling the story and not the author. It seems like that first person people describe it better than a narrative where the author narratates instead of the character. This gives you less of a feeling of excitement.

  6. This affects the story because it makes it more suspenseful like Wendy said and it makes you feel like you're in the book. If it was written in past tense, it would feel like like the story is mapped out and nothing can change. But in present tense, it feels like the character can change what will happen, even though it is just a book.

  7. This affects the story becuase like Wendy said, suspensefull.Like all stories it gives the reader a change to know what will happen next but when it is present tense you are in the story more and can actually feel it.
    Also, it is like you are the person. like you are doing what author is saying. it just give an alive feeling that is is actually happening right now in front of you r eyes. Lazar made a really good piont , if you were reading a past tense it does feel like nothing can change it is set in stone.

  8. Being present-tense affects the story, because like Wendy said, it makes it more suspenseful. It is "now" and not "later", which gives it a more direct feeling. I agree with Lazar on how if it is present-tense, it feels like the character can change what will happen. Like Luke said, you are seeing through the character's eyes.

  9. I think present tense makes you READ the story, FEEL the story, and BE the story. With past tense or future tense it's harder to get into that sort of reading mode. I've read Mocking Jay, and it kept awake for the WHOLE NIGHT just thinking about how DEEP the book was.

  10. it doesn't really affect the story that much,but it kinda makes you feel your in the story and you can feel what Katniss or everyone else is feeling at the same time

  11. If it were to take place in the past it would not be as suspenseful because in the back of your mind as your reading your thinking this whole thing has already been mapped out. But if it is the present tense first person it's much easier to just close your eyes and put yourself in the characters shoes.

  12. I agree with joel when he says it makes you feel like your part of the book. You feel like you are the main character. For example if someone dies in the past then they died. But if it was the present it would make you think. How could that have been prevented.

  13. I think it affects by what wendy said about how it gets more suspensful so you don't know if katniss will live or die.

  14. I think it affects the story by making you feel part of it as it is happening. It gives you a deeper understanding of what is happening. It also gives it more suspense.I agree with Daniel.

  15. i think it affects what wendys says it gets more suspenful in the story

  16. When the author writes any text using the first person, it builds a lot of suspense, and makes you feel like youre in the story. It also makes everything more realistic. If this was past tense it would seam kind of cheesey or corny, if it was during the future, you know it hasn't happened yet so it's not as realistic. I agree with Wendy, it makes you feel like you are in the body of the character.

  17. I think that it builds suspence. When a story has suspence it is a lot better. I also think that it makes it realistic and you have a connection to the person telling the story. Like you understand them. I adree with Sarah and Wendy that it makes you fell like your in the body of the character.

  18. it affects the story because If the Hunger Games was wrote from the narraters point of view, you probably won't see Katniss thinking and doing things. it also makes it more realistic when its Katniss telling the story and even though you might miss some parts happening in the Capitol, It wouldn't be the same and it might be even boring if it was from someone else's point of view.

  19. I agree with Isabel on how it might be boring from someone else's point of view.

  20. I also agree with Bridget on how you can make a connection from the person in a present-tense book.

  21. the story is told in a first person becaust katniss tells it. the story is told in the future bucause there are hovercars

  22. I agree with Chris because if you know it was already mapped out, you feel bored and can just throw the book aside.

    P.S Can I pick the next book

  23. I agree with Joel of how you think your the main character. The story could some times get boring for some people that wants different story lines.

  24. If it was in first person it would affect the story because it would feel like your the character in the book and your taking the role as them making it scarier and much more Suspensful
