Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Discuss the ways in which the Gamemakers control the environment and "entertainment" value of the Games.  How does it affect the tributes to know they are being manipulated to make the Games more exciting for the gamblers and viewers?


  1. The gamemakers probaly arranged the enviroment, for example, moved a log to another spot and created a stream for the tributes to drink out of. It puts more pressure on the tributes knowing that the enviroment isn't natural and most was arranged. This makes it more exciting because the idea of a totally unknown place can put a tribute into disadvantage and add more bloodshed.

    1. Yo Richard if you get this your answer helped me out a lot

  2. i think the gamemakers make that enviroment as tricky and dangerous as possible.i think they do this so the gamblers can predict whos going to win.By the way richard,i totally agree that they make the tributes go under extreme pressure.

  3. The ways the gamemakers could control the enviroment is that they could put some traps in the areana so when a person would run over it they would get traped. This would affect the tribiutes because the tributes that thought they would win are not going to and this makes it more exiting

  4. I like the way richard explaned how they could amke the games more exiting

  5. the gamekeepers could have control of the environment and entertainment with the bets and making the terain hard for the tributes

  6. I agree with you siobhan in the fact that they make the environment as dangerous as posible

  7. The gamemakers might control the enviroment by putting mutaited (it's true! They actully mutate animals such as the mockingjays) animals into the areana and un unsespecting Tribute might come accross it and the gamblers and the viewers get the chance to see how the tribute deals with the strange animal they have never encountered before

  8. I agree with Luke about how he said that they might make the terrain harder for the Tributes to survive in. For example they could make it snow heavily or they could make it rain really hard and the Tributes without shelter would die or would be freezing to death

  9. Wow Richard, I completly agree with you in the fact that they could make the tarrain more challenging and less natural to be more entertaning to the viewers. I'm sure that if I was the gamemaker I would take that into serious consideration.

  10. One of the ways they control the entertainment factor is making the Cornucopia. Just the layout of it is very entertaining and it's a great way to start the game off with a bang. Another way they control it is by creating a challenging envioroment that makes sense. Like for example if most of the tributes grew up in Ditricts with a lot of snow, then maybe they should make a hotter enviroment. But it would not make sense if they made it underwater because it would end to quickly.

  11. Hey Guys,

    Just wanted to say I love the discussion and this is exactly what we are looking for. Keep up the great work!

  12. You are right Chris, the cornucopia makes everything exiting at the starting because a lot of people get killed trying to get supplies. Also, they probably made the arena so the river is hidden and people get killed trying to find it. The arena affects the tributes because they know they will be confused as to where to go.

  13. The game makers arranged the environment in a way that the tributes found it more difficult to interact. The tributes all have their own environment they survive in, so by changing it, they will be forced to adapt. They also kill some tributes to make the audience more entertained eg. the hovercraft. This also makes betting more competitive through the audience

  14. The terrain could also effect them so people would gamble on the stronger people. And I agree with Isabel, those mockingjays could really bring some action in the game.

  15. Good idea Ehren, They will be forced to adapt. But all the districts are in the USA, and there it's always hot(except for Wisconson)so almost all the people will have to adapt the same way, killing the weaker ones.

  16. All the tributes know that the arena is controlled by the capital, so that will leave them all paranoid, increasing the entertainment of the game.

  17. I Think that the gamemakers must've added things to the terrain and enviorment that the tributes have no idea was there, like how Siobhan said that they try to make it as dangerous as possible. This way, the tributes (some of them have trained their whole lives) have to use the things that they've learned to surprise the audience, so the gamblers will think they will win. I agree with Ehren on how he said The game makers arranged the environment in a way that the tributes found it more difficult to interact, and they are forced to adapt.

  18. I think the gamemakers try very hard to make the terrain as difficult as possible, to add more excitement, and interest into the games. I agree with Wendy, they probably add things on the terrain to make the people who have trained their whole life, adapt to new enviroments and courses.

  19. Yes I probably agree with you richard. The gamemakers are probably making things harder for the tributed and trying to entertain themselves by puting the tributed in risk

  20. I agree with wendy that they might throw in some extra dangers but I also think that they might want to not change the terrain to much or add to many extra dangers because if all of the players died from lack of water or warmth then the games would be to boring or easy. The gamblers or viewers would get bored because the games are about killing each other and the exitment that the capitol gets from watching them kill each other.

  21. I agree with Richard, they probably change the enviroment each time so the tribute can't use the same strategy as the winner in the last games.

  22. Yea the Gamemakers are mean and change the setting any way they want. They want the Tributes to lose. The Tributes try to survive the game.
    I like to watch dangerous action and in this stroy there are lots of scary actions. That is why the writer of this story puts in lots of drama.

  23. i agree with ouinn they probably change the envirment each time so the tribute cant use the same strategy as the winner in the last game

  24. the game makers probably made a man made environment and it look really obvious so it triggers the tributes attention

  25. I agree with Wendy because she said that the tributes would have to adapt to it
