Thursday, October 28, 2010


Why does Peeta join with the Career Tributes in the beginning of the Games?  What does he hope to gain?  Why do they accept him when they start hunting as a group?  Why do groups form in the beginning when they know only one of them will be able to survive?


  1. I think peeua joins a groupe neer the begining of the hunger games because it increases his odds of wining . he hopes to gain an advantage.
    I think they join groupes because thy can go futher in a groupe then turn on each other at the end.

  2. I think peeta joins the careers because he can get farther in the games with a bunch of strong people then he could with a weak group.
    he probalbly hopes to gain a spot higher in the games and also if he could trick them a few times he could win.
    i don't know why they accept him when they start hunting.
    I think they join at the beginning because if they went on there own then it is one vs one but if you have 3 then its one vs three

  3. I think Peeta joins with the Career Tributes because District 1,2 and 4 are the richer Districts, and they can afford training their kids, so they will be prepared in case they are picked at the reaping. They have trained all their lives, so that they have a greater chance of winning, and Peeta can learn from them. I agree with Luke on how he said he hopes to gain an advantage. Groups form in the beginning when they know only one of them will survieve, becuase they can learn from each other, and use their strategy against them.

  4. I thinks Peeta joins the group so they will kill the other tributes, and when they finsh the last one he would stab them in the back. The group would accept Peeta because they think he knows where Katness is. They start to kill in groups because they are stronger in numbers.

  5. I think that Peeta joins the Career Tributes because he may have a larger advantage of wining the Hunger Games. I think he wants to ultimatly win the Hunger Games, so he can live a peacful live back in the Victors' Village. I think that they accept him into the group because they think he is harmless and later on in the book, they are talking about how Petta can weild a knife, so therefore he has a little advantage to help the group.

    Groups form in the beginning of the Games because the strongest can band together and they can kill all the weaker Tributes from other Districts by working together. Sooner or later when the tensions run to high, they start turning on each other when they relize that only one can survive the Hunger Games. SO when they turn on each other, they will only fight among themself's and they don't have to worry about the other Tributes ( which they don't know their streaths and weaknesses).

  6. I agree with Wendy about how District 1,2 and 4 have been training all their lives to be in the Hunger Games. That's probablt why Peeta wants to join their group.

  7. Have you guys noticed that the name Career Tributes seems strange? But I think that Suzanne Collins did that on purpose because the Tributes have been basically training all their lives and it pretty much means that they do it as a CAREER so when they are in the Hunger Games it's like their "job" to win.

  8. I think Peeta joins the career tributes to increase his chances of winning because if he were not with them, he would be more likely to die at the starting. He probably hopes to gain their strength, making easier to kill the rest of the people in the game. They except him because they want more people on their team. The groups form in the beginning of the game so the weaker people all get wiped out. And I have noticed that Isabel, it's really weird, but I can't imagine how killing other people for survival can be a job.

  9. I think Peeta joined the group because they were stronger than him and hoped to gain some new skills. The group probaly accepted him because the more people equals a better surviving chance. People who form groups have a higher chance together and will make it farther through the games rather than get killed in the first round. They could always kill each other later AFTER they eliminated the other people.

  10. I agree with Lazar that the more people can over power one person.

  11. I think Peeta joins with the career tributes because he probably doesn't want to be one of the weak people, so he joined the career tributes so that he has a better chance of not losing. I agree with Lazar that Peeta hopes to gain strength which would make it easy to kill the rest of the people in the game. I think they accept him when they start hunting as a group because they need more people which would make their group stronger and they would also have a better chance of winning. The groups form in the beginning because they kill the weak people first and when they are the only people left in the game, they go against each other.

  12. I think that Peeta and the pack are going to work together like a team but when the time comes and all the other tributes are defeated they are going to have to kill eachother because they have one choice but to survive and kill.

  13. I also forgot to say that Peeta joined the career tribute because that he can have a larger variety of better players and surive in the Hunting game to live.I also agree with Richard because that the more players in the group gives a better chance of survive in the games.

  14. I think Peeta joins the career tributes because he will have more in numbers against the other tributes. He also has the ability to earn their trust since he has experience with wielding knives, and at any chosen moment, he can kill the group slowly by making it seem accidental or hide the bodies. I agree with Wendy because the three Districts are richer, so they can afford to be trained, therefore giving Peeta more power.

  15. I think Peeta join the career tributes at the end because it increases the chance of winning. He hopes to gain a better chance of winning. They join groups so they can train with them and learn there strengths so in the real games they can attack there weaknesses.

  16. i aggre with wendy because they are the riches and they can train but the poorer ones cant

  17. i think peeta joined the career tributes because she could have an alliance with other players and kill the single players and at the end sneek off and hide untill she gets behind the other group and sabatoges them. I agree with wendy for the same reason as joel

  18. I think that peeta joins a group because he will probably be killed near the begining, but since he joined a group, he can learn new things and at the end he can kill all of the people that he grouped with, and then he can use their ideas against them.I also think that if peeta gets close enough, he can take some other wepons and then maybe he can kill the strongest member of the group, then he can take everybody else in the group down.

  19. I also agree with Wendy, luke and daniel.Wendy because she said that diatrict 1,2 and 4 are richer districts.luke because he said that peeta joins in the begining because he hopes to get an advantage.And daniel because he said that it's better to have 3 on 1 than 1 on 1.

  20. hey guys.....
    can you anser this question for me?
    if peeta and katniss are the only ones left in the games, do they have to kill eachother? :(?

  21. hey guys.....
    can you awnser this question for me???
    if peeta and katniss are the only ones left in the games, do they have to kill eachother? :(?

  22. I argee with wendy, I never really thought about it that way, how the rich were able to train.

  23. Don't ruin the story by telling us the ending Baileigh :(

  24. Baileigh, If you've already read the book, then don't ruin the story. I don't know if I'm right or not but I think that Peeta and Katniss would have to kill each other if they are the only people left.

  25. I think that Beleigh makes a very valid point when she says that he can use the group to help teach him new things, and then use those things against the careers. I know that if I were Peeta at that point that would be what I would look to do.

  26. I think that Peeta joined the career tributes because he was helpless. He probably knew these guys were good at hunting because judging by there names they've been practising all there lives. So they will probably be good at hunting, finding water and shelter etc. I think that the careers let Peeta in because they probably looked at him as easy prey. I think that tributes form groups just to speed up the games. Because if it was everyone for thselves then the games would go on for a very long time. That means that they will be hungry longer, be living in fear longer etc. Peeta's only chance is if
    they all kill eachother before him.

  27. I think Peeta joined the Career Tributes at the begining of the games because he wanted to stay alive longer and get stuff like weapons to kill the others.

  28. I think that Peeta is sorta smart because he is joining a career group because then they will kill together for the first bit then after he can just sneak off and hide while they are all asleep and they can kill each other.
    I agree with Wendy that he can learn from them because that would be a very smart way to win or try to win.

  29. I agree with Daniel

  30. I think Peeta joined the Career group because Peeta knew that being known as a Career made you seam stronger, and wiser. I think Peeta was hoping to gain more survival skills from the Career group because he thought they were better, but they're probably very close to being at the same hunting level as everyone else in the games. I believe that the gamers form groups in the begining even though in the end, only one survives, is because in the begining , when you're in a group, you know you can trust very few people, but at least it's someone. They also do it because without the gamers even knowing, they are learning eachothers tricks and special skills, so in the end when it's only 2 people left, they will know eachothers strengths and weaknesses. I agree with Isabel about how they name them "Careers" almost like it's there job.

  31. i think peeta joined the career group to gain inmortality so when everyone but Katniss and the career group tributes are still alive, peeta will kill them all.except Katniss.I also agree with Richard's comment on lazar's post.

  32. I think that Peeta joins the Career Tributes because he thinks he has a greater chance of winning the Games.

    Happy Halloween, you guys! Hope you get lots of candy!! :)

  33. Anonamous was me Bridget.

  34. You mean Anonymous not Ananamous!

  35. he joined the career tribute because HE WANTED TO PROTECT KATNISS AND THIS IS THE ONLY WAY HE CAN THINK OF. of course it would be easier to find katniss with him with them. they what to stay alive, and want to take down other career tributes who are weak!
