Create a book review for the Hunger Games. Make sure to follow my example below.
Title: Hunger Games by Mr. Popofski (Title of your Book Review)
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars (Rate the book out of 5 Stars)
Pros: I really enjoyed the book as the action did not really stop and kept me wanting to read on. I found it very easy to follow the characters and the storyline. The setting in which the story takes place I thought was very unique and different from books that I have tried to read to my class. The plot also reminded me of one of my favourite movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as he must fight till the death in order to save his life.
(Write what you liked about the book)
Cons: My only con about the book is that are about to come out with the movie and I have a feeling that it will not do the book justice. I hope I'm wrong and that Hollywood learned a lesson from Twlight and that it pays off to spend some money on the movie.
(Write what you did not like)
Overall: Overall I loved the book and would recommend it to everybody. I think I have even talked Kendra into reading it.
(Write a last comment)
Title: Framed
ReplyDeleteRating: 5 out of 5
Pros:I like this book because it is of the perspective of 6 kids who have to go on missions and steal back what was there's .
Cons: There Wasn't that many cons in the book except At some times I didn't understand Parts of the book
Overall: I like this book cant wait for the next book in the series to come out
Title: Scat by Chris Jin
ReplyDeleteRating: 3 out of 5
Pros: I really injoyed some of the characters in the book, many of them reminding me of people I know. I think that it had a great story line and at times I found it hard to put the book down.
Cons: There were moments when the plot sort of slowed down and I found myself just reading words off of a page instead feeling like I was reading a story.
Overall: Great book, I'd recommend it to anybody into endangered animals.
The hunger games by luke greenfield
ReplyDeleteI would rate this book 3 stars
Pros: this book was a good book for me becaus it hade lots of action which those are the only parts I really like but I liked it when katniss cuts doun the Traker jacker nest ant it gets rid of all the people after her. Then that is were she first meats rue. The other good part was when katniss blows up the resources.
I think that the wors part was all the romance but the part that really bothers me the most is if they start some romance why end it then make it better then end it again.
Overall it was an ok book so I might recommend it to a few people.
Title: Hungers Games by Jessie
ReplyDeleteRating: 4 1/2 stars
Pros: I like this book because it has a plot that no author has ever done before. The story was intriguing, and the characters were life-like.
Cons: I don't really like the ending. I think it should have ended just at when they won the games.
Fourth person to comment!
Overall: Overall it was a nice book and I would recommend it to everyone except for people under 7.
Hunger Games By Siobhan
ReplyDeleterating: 1/2 out of 5 stars
pros: it was like every novel i've read (excluding manga).
cons: It was soooooo predictable!
overall: I didn't like the book because it was too predictable.
5th person to comment!!
by the way mr. p, wut r we gonna use the blog 4 now because the hunger games is going 2 end soon and u probably won't finish catching fire by the end of the year
ReplyDeleteTitle: The Hunger Games by Rasna
ReplyDeleteRating: 4/5 stars
Pros: I like this book because when the action in this book was happening, I could actually visualize the scenes and what was going on. I could also picture all that violence that was happening during the games.
Cons: I didn't like the ending because I thought it got boring after the games ended and I think the book should have happily ended right when Katniss and Peeta won.
Overall: Overall I thought this was a great book and I would recommend this book to everyone that is 10 years and older.
6th person to comment!
ReplyDeleteTitle: Warriors:Into the Wild by Richard
ReplyDeleteI would rate this book 5 stars.
Pros: Hey, it's about fighting cats who rule the forest. Lot's of action and suspense. This book series kept me up late reading in my bed, I just couldn't let go of it.
Cons: Too much deaths of the cats. Some of the main characters even die through out the whole series. Plus, Erin Hunter takes has a bad way of releasing books quickly so before you can even go to the bookstore or library to get a copy, they're all out of stock.
Overall: This book was amazing and I think I had never read such a suspense filled book series. (No, this is even better than Harry Potter) I'd recommend this to anyone. (Well, not if they're a cat hater of course) :)
Sorry I thought we were allowed to choose a book, guess not.
ReplyDeleteTitle:the hunger games by Chris Jin
Rating: 2 out of 5
Pros: I thought it was a good book. The characters were very interesting and there was times when I could visualize the book.
Cons: At times the words seem to come in through 1 ear and out the other. This could be because of 3 reasons, 1, because my listening skills were poor, 2, it could be the authors fault for not making it discriptive enough or 3, I just really didn't care about the book becase my mind was adrift.
Overall: Good not great.
Title: Hunger Games
ReplyDeleteRating: 4 out of 5 stars
Pros: a unique storyline with realestic characters.
Cons: Who didn't see the "big twist" at the end.
Overall: It is a great book with very little problems.
Title: Cole Protocol by Ehren
ReplyDeleteRating: 4/5
Pros: The book had tough characters, but with a good personality. This made the loveable. Plus the storyline was complicated with a ruthless enemy, which made the book interesting. (By the way, this book is ment for adults, so I recommend that you don't read it.)
Cons: There was too much description and it made my head hurt from too much information.
Overall: This book was hard to put down and the storyline was amazing. I loved it.
5 out of 5
ReplyDeletepros: The book had many different genres in one book. It keeps giving you different situations to think about like if she will die or not. Also it has many suspenseful parts that also make you think
Cons: There was a little too much death but at the same time just the right amount to show you the situation. Really can't think of many things wrong with this book. by the time the movie is out we might be older and not really want to see it anymore
Over all: This book is a great read ( if u are into this type of book) for people our age and older and it keeps you interested and hooked
Title: Palace Of Mirrors
ReplyDeleteRating:4.5 out of 5
Pros: This book had a really strong timeline, and it was from the main character's point of view, just like in The Hunger Games, so it kept me hooked to the book, and the author used a lot of descriptive words so when you're reading it, it's like you can actually picture yourself in the setting and situation
Cons: I didn't like that this book was really long (458 pages), and had some stuff that really didn't need to be in the book, and the setting was from the medeval times, so a lot of the things they were talking about in the book I didn't understand.
Overall: Overall, I think this was a really good book to read, and I would recommend it to my friends :)
Title: Hunger Games by Lazar
ReplyDeleteRating: My rating is 3 1/2 out of 5.
Pros: I loved the action because those are the types of books i read. The book sometimes made me stop what I was doing and just listen.
Cons: I didn't like the parts where they were just preparing for the games because that was kind of boring. Plus the romance kind of ruined it.
Overall: This book was overall pretty good. Not one of my favourites, but still kinda good. I would recommend it to people into action and romance, but over the age of 10 or 11. 10th person to blog (I think) :D :) XD :C :( -_- bya!!
ok, 13th bya again
ReplyDeleteTitle: The Hunger Games Book 1 Review BY: Isabel
ReplyDeleteRating: 4 out of 5 stars
Pros: I loved the Hunger Games book because the book gets you captivated by the end of page one and the storyline flows smoothly and it makes sense. The characters are very interesting because they have their own special uniqueness to them that makes you want to "be" them. The setting itself is interesting too! It is set in the "futuristic" Earth where there aren't countries and states but 12 Districts (well, there are ACTUALLY 13, but....) and EVERYTHING is ruled by the Capitol. SO that itself is so captivating that you just want to pick up the book and read it. Another pro of this awesome book is that its NOT like those books where you read it once and you can't read it anymore because it's too boring. The Hunger Games are captivating and once you read it you can read it again and you will find little bits and pieces you never knew before, even after reading the book 3 times!
Cons: Every book has a cons and here are some of them for the Hunger Games. The part I didn't really like was the part where Katniss and Petta were in the Cave for almost an entire week (i think). It was too romance-y and it got pretty boring at times when they keep on kissing each other. Another thing I didn't like was the ending. I think it was to abrupt and it could have got maybe just A BIT further. And when they ended the book they should have made it bittersweet where they sort of make up but neither have really forgiven each other, instead of leaving you to decide for yourself who is right and who is wrong. And lastly when Katniss is having those "flashbacks" they can go on for like 5 pages and it sort of gets boring and it sucks.
Overall: Since I have read the entire series myself and have to listen to Mr.P speed-reading it again I was still very interested by the storyline and the plot. I would recommend this book to almost all my friends (above the age of 9 because of violence and romance parts...) and everyone LOVES action. So all in all it was definitely one of the BEST books i have read in my 12 years of living on this planet!
hi it's Isabel again,
ReplyDeleteSorry if I have been typing WAYYY to much.... hehe I didn't even know my review was this long unil I published it....I'll try to make it shorter next time...
K Bye!
BTW I'm 14th of 12th if you don't count the doubles!
Book: The Hunger Games by Aprva
ReplyDeleteRating: 4/5
Pros: I really liked this book becase it was a very unquie book. I have never read something like this before, i can already tell that the athor out a lot of effort in to the book and it is paying off. The book was very addicting, it only took me 4 days to read, usaully i takes me about 7 days but i find this book extraordinary. The whole idea appeled to me, how thay have "win" fame and weath. I loved how even the bread that Peeta gave to Katniss made such a big diifrence, to be honest is someone gave me a piece of bread i would say thank you but a piece of bread.... Well, also how the charactors had thier own "life" i loved how everybody was so different.
cons: Yes, like isabel said the capitol ruled evrything. I don't find that so attractive. To be honest it was so pretictable like Siobhan said, it was still interesting but after the book was over it just felt like they went to the hunger games and they both won like what happens in usaully every single story.
overall: I think this was a great book i recommended for all ages and especially if you like *igsagerated* stories.
title The hunger games
ReplyDeleterating: 4 out 5
pros: i liked this book because it hade lots of action in it.
overall: it was a good book i would recommended for a few people
Title: THe Hungar Games By:billy
ReplyDeleterating 4/5
pros: THe book was really good I like it because of all the action and fighting and stragtys they used to live also it was very disctrive
con:at some parts I found it gross mostly at the ending part of the games was gross because everyone was dieing
overall: It was a good book i Would sugest it to 12 or 13+
Title: The Hunger Games Book 1 of The Trilogy
ReplyDeleteBy: Bo
Rate: # 3outof5
Pros: The book isn't really bad knowing it is just the first book of the trilogy, I like how they make up different ways for the main characters to survive.
Con: I think there were too much deaths I meaneven the favourite characters die I mean Why did there have to be only 1 surviver in the game knowing that they changed some rules
Overall: It was a pretty well storied book.
Title: Aftermath by Austin
ReplyDeleteRating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Pros:I think that it was am tremendous book because of the moments where you would be clueless of whats happening and make you think a little from the parts that added suspense,and would make you jump a little
Cons:Some parts I disagreed with were when Katniss and Peeta would fall and love and "Kiss"every 5 seconds which could make some readers put the book away or skip to the action.
I would recommend this book to people that are 13+
the hunger games by baileigh
ReplyDeleteI liked the book because I think that the hunger games is a good way to make your family more rich, and you would get a nice house if you win.
A pro about the book is that they changed the rules so if you and someone from the same district were the last tributes left at the games, you wouldn't have to kill eachother because the rule used to be if you and your district tribute were the only ones left, you would have to kill eachother.
A con about the book is that Rue got shot with an arrow and I found that part sad because kattnis lost one of her friends to an arrow through the stomach, I think.
If I were to rate this book out of 5 stars, I would rate it about a 4, because when peeta and kattnis kissed, they would do it so much that it just gets anoying after a while.
If I were to chose who could read this book, I would say anybody from 11-15 would find it very interesting, and anybody from age 16 and up, would finesd it interesting too, but probably not as much as the yonger teenish kids would.
Title: The Hunger Games by Sarah Flack
ReplyDeleteRating: 5/5 stars
Pros: I enjoyed this book because it was action, and romance! I liked that even though this book is about killing, fighting, and war, it's still very romantic and cute. This is probably the first book that I've actually enjoyed listening to. I would definately reccomend this book to everyone I know.
Cons: I didn't really have any cons about The Hunger Games, I actually really enjoyed this book, but if I could change one thing it would probably be to have a bit less war, but that's because I'm not super interested in that stuff.
Overall: Overall, I really enjoyed this book a lot and I am really excited to hear Catching Fire
! :)