Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Plan...what plan?

How does President Snow's visit affect Katniss's plans to leave District 12?


  1. i think president snow's visit affect katniss' plans because she thinks the president is a viper ready to attack and she doesn't want to leave, otherwise the capitol and the president will think something is going on and she doesn't want that feeling inside of herself when she has other things to worry about.(were we suppose to do this too?)

  2. I think Snow's visit ruined Katniss' escape plans because the person with the most power in the capitol was right there in front of here, watching her. So she probaly didn't feel right and doesn't have the guts to put her plan in action.

  3. LAZARs first blog :D (Catching fire)Tuesday, February 01, 2011

    President Snow's visit ruined Katniss' plans to leave district 12 because Snow intimidated her by coming. If she did leave, it would raise suspitions against her. I agree with Richard how Katniss doesn't have the guts to put her plan into action.

  4. President Snow ruined Katniss' plan to leave becsause Snow is such a strong authority. She probably felt unconfortable around him. If I were Katniss I would've have stayed. I agree with Lazar when he says she probably felt intimidated by his presense. I think she made the right choice.

  5. President Snows visit affects Katniss's plans to leave District 12 because she finally meets the "mastermind" of the plan and he tells her that he knows basically EVERYTHING about the rebellation and the lies she told everyone like Gale isn't her "cousin". It also effects KAtiss because she was intemidated by President Snow's appearence and the way he smells (blood and roses) and she is now every scared.

  6. President Snows visit ruined katniss's plan because the guy that rules the district and also the one that seemed to have invited katniss is watching her from all angle so it would be hard for katniss's plan to go swiftly

  7. President Snow's visit affects Katniss' plans to leave District 12 because he is like th leader of everything, and Katniss is afraid of him so she is (like Lazar said), intimidated to leave. Since the Capitol is already really angry at Katniss and Peeta for their 'fake' death, which was a surprise to everyone, if Katniss leaves Disttrict 12, they want to kill her even more and cause more hatred. I agree with Richard on how he said President Snow's visit ruined Katniss' escape plans.

  8. I totaly agree Wendy on how how their "fake" death caused an up rising.

  9. i'm just testing!!!!!

  10. I think Snows visit ruined Katniss plans to leave because President snow has the most power in the capitol and if he sees her trying to leave, and president snow would kill her for trying to leave.

    I agree with richard on how katniss didnt have the guts to go forward with her plan

  11. I think that katniss didn't want to put her plan into action because the person with the most power would have just had to flick a finger and katniss would die and the most powerful person is president snow.

    Iagree with lazar that if katniss left it would raise suspitions against her.

  12. President Snows visit ruined katniss's plan cuz the guy that rules the district and also the one that seemed to have invited katniss is watching her from all angle so it would be hard for katniss's plan to go swiftly

  13. President Snow's visit affects Katniss's plans to leave District 12 because he told her that he knew almost everything going on about the rebellion. (Like what Isabel said.) Katniss is also afraid he will find out and do something horrible is she escapes. I agree with Lazar that she is intimidated by Snow's presence.

  14. Hi it's me again. (Jessie)Wednesday, February 09, 2011

    I agree with Richard on how President Snow ruined her plans for running awaaaaaaaay!

  15. I think that President Snow's visit affected Katniss' plans to leave District 12 because he is the most powerful person in the Capitol and if she did leave, then she would have been suspected and President Snow would know that something is going on. I agree with Lazar when he said that Katniss feels intimidated by Snow's presence.

  16. i think President Snow's visit affets Katniss' plan because a lot of power and money aswell. even though is pretty rich President Snow can still make her broke. (i don't if that even makes sense but whatever)Now Katniss is kind of scared to put her plan in action because what if she gets caught many bad things can happen... She sould rethink her plan of runnig away from, District 12 again.

  17. I think President Snow's visit to District 12 ruined Katniss' plans to leave because Snow is the most powerful person of all the Districts and the Capitol. If he catches Katniss escaping District 12, he might be suspicious about her departure. Snow can hunt down Katniss with dogs or Mockingjays. Who knows what horrible things could happen to Katniss?

  18. I agree with Ehren when he said that President Snow can do horrible things to Katniss such as hunt her down using dogs.

  19. President Snow's visit to District 12 ruined Katniss' plans to leave becauseSnow is a very powerful man that will make Katniss nervous about escaping. Like Snow said, he almost knew everything about her. Katniss was nervous because if she escapes, shes scared President Snow will do something bad to stop her, or catch her. I agree with Wendy, because if everyone finds out she leaves more people will want to kill her because of hatred.

  20. I think snows visit ruined her plans because now she knows that the capitol is watching her.

  21. I think that Presedent Sonw's visit to District 12 ruined Katniss's plans of leaving District 12 because Snow would kill her or the ones she loves if she did to get back at her. Snow intimadates Katniss because of how he looks and how he smells like blood and roses. She is scared to leave now because of him. I agree with Isabel about how she knows all about the rebalation and stuff now.

  22. she knows snow has a ton of athoraty and she can't pull ant tricks so and shes afrad of him

  23. I AGREE with sarah. How she said President Snow's visit to District 12 ruined Katniss' plans to leave becauseSnow is a very powerful man that will make Katniss nervous about escaping. yup

  24. I think that president snow's visit makes kattnis' plans alot harder to follow. If she were to escape, snow would just kill or kidnap her freinds and her family.I agree with Lazar with how he said that kattnis feels intimidated by president snow.

  25. I think president snows visit stopped Katniss' plans to escape by giving her cold feet. So Katniss kinda gets the feeling that president snow knows everything around her and controls everything around her. If the big boss came to my house I would be scared because he could do anything he wants.

  26. I think President Snow came to stop katniss plans to escape to district 12. President Snow is mad at katniss because katniss was going to committ suicide as a act of rebelion.
