Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Katniss & Rue

What makes Katniss and Rue trust each other to become partners?  What does Katniss gain from this friendship besides companionship?  Is Katniss and Rue's partnership formed for different reasons than the other groups?


  1. I think Katniss trusts Rue because she reminds her of her sister, Prim, and Katniss is like an older sister to Rue because she taked care of her, since Rue didn't have someone to take her place in the Hunger Games.I think Katniss gains skills from this friendship, and love. Yes, I think Katniss and Rue's partnership formed for different reasons than the other groups, because Rue is like a a little sister to her, because her REAL sister, Prim, is just like Rue. They were both were originally supposed to be in the Games, but Katniss decided to take Prim's place. She has a special bond with Rue.

    1. I agree. its crazy that these answers were written almost ten years ago!

  2. Katness and Rue trust each other because they are the only people they got. Katness gains there is one for the moment. The other partners are formed for team work so they can make it farther as Katness was for survival.

  3. I agree with wendy because I forgot that rue reminds her of her sister, Prim.

  4. Katniss trusts Rue because Katniss was reminded that Rue looks like Prim,giving Katniss and Rue a bond.Not just that Katniss and Rue have had a companionship but they have treated themselves like they were real sisters.Rue and Katniss partnership formed for different than other groups because Prim's place has been replaced by Katniss because Katniss is more fallen in love with Rue

  5. I agree with Quinn because Rue and Katniss were the only ones in that group,as the others were in larger amounts like Katniss was in the survival.

  6. Katniss and Rue trust each other to become partners because Rue saw the pin on Katniss's shirt and that pin is signifagant for the fact that Rue trusted Katniss. I also think that they trust each other because they both really know that the chances of them winning the Hunger Games is slim, so they might as well enjoy each others company while they still have time.

    Katniss gains some knowledge of the surrounding enviroment and how to find berries, plant medicine and other things that could help you survive.

    Yes, Katniss and Rue's partnership formed for different reasons than the other groups because they formed out of starvation and lonleniss and they can keep watch for each other and learn from each other.

  7. I agree with Wendy on how Rue riminds Katniss of Prim. I can't wait till we finish the book, there is a really good ending!!

  8. I think that Katniss trusts Rue because she reminds her of her sister (Ya, I agree with the others) When someone has someone who they feel comfortable with, they feel safer and trust the other person more. For example, when I'm with someone, if they look like someone I ALREADY know or friends with, I feel safer and trust them more.

  9. I think that Rue trusts Katniss because she thinks of her as Primm.Katniss gains strength because she has to protect Rue from the other tributs.Their partnership is different from the others because they have a special bondding with eachother.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  10. I think that Katniss gained Rue's trust because Rue pointed out the nest above her head. Rue liked Katniss because of the pin she wore on her shirt it reminded her of home. I also think because Rue remindes Katniss of her little sister Prim. Katniss also gains trust from her friendship/companionship. I think their partnership is formed because they can help each other share knowledge and to remind them of friends at home.

  11. I agree with Richard because Rue reminds katniss of her little sister.

  12. I think Katniss trusts Rue because she's only twelve and what harm can she do? Also, as Wendy said, Rue reminds Katniss of Prim. Besides companionship, Katniss gains knowledge. Rue shows Katniss plants and berries that she can eat, and also shows her natural healing medicines. Also, two people can do more damage then one; an advantage in the Hunger Games. Katniss and Rue's alliance was formed because of friendship and compassion, and also for repaying debt. The other alliances, (for example the careers), are probably formed for power. I agree with Baileigh on her point with the special bonding part.

  13. I think Katniss gained Rue's trust because Rue resembled her sister, Prim. Katniss can also gain more knowledge on the environment like Isabel said. Katniss also joins Rue because her resemblance to Prim tells Katniss to never forget your family. Even if you perish. It gives her motivation, too. She has to tell remind herself, if she wants to see her family again, she must win the Hunger Games

  14. I agree with Wendy that Prim is like Rue (:>)

  15. I agree with Isabel and Luke about the pin thingy.

  16. I also think that its the pin that makes rue like kitniss. also i think that the partnership is simaler but it has a bit more itegrety because they are trying to help each other where as the others are trying to just kill with more numbers

  17. I think that Katniss trusts Rue because Rue has spied on the careers and has gathered a lot of information about them. This shows that Rue is both stealth and very intelligent. I believe that Rue trusts Katniss because Katniss is great hunter and won't let them starve. Also Katniss is good with a bow and arrow so Rue probably feels safer. Katniss also gains another intelligent mind to work with. And Katniss also has the pin that Rue seems to be very attractted to. Yes I think that there relationship is formed for different reasons because groups like the careers just form so they can end the games quicker. While alliances such as Katniss' and Rue's are formed to protect each other and take down the careers(taking there food).

  18. Quinn, I think you make an exellent point, but I think it's for a bigger reason than just being the only people they have. I think it's becasue they both have characteristics the other person lacks. Like Katniss can hunt and catch food, but she could have never spied on the careers.

  19. I think that katniss trust rue because they are both in the hunger games and became great freeinds.aslo kittness and great with a bow and aroww and then rue becomes safe with her.Katniss and gains strenght to protect rue from her other trubuites and i agree with wwendy answer

  20. I think Katniss trusts Rue because Iike what wendy said she reminds her of her sister prim. I think Katniss would gain encouragement because Rue would be engourageing her. Yes i think there relationship formed for different reasons because they could make the games go by quicker and they could form and allience to take down the other groups.

  21. I think that Katniss trusts Rue because Rue has more knowledge about the career tributes and also, Katniss would feel safer around Rue because she knows about the other tributes better than Katniss. I agree with Wendy that Katniss gains skills from this friendship. I also think that Katniss feels confident and stronger now because she is with Rue. I agree with Baileigh on the part where she said that Katniss and Rue's partnership is different from the other groups because they both have a special bonding with each other.

  22. I think that Jessie made a good point about how 2 people can do more damage than 1 which is an advantage in the Hunger Games.

  23. I agree with wendy that prim is like Rue ( > )

  24. i think that katniss trusts rue because she can gain off her and that rue reminds katniss of her sister. Iagree with wendy

  25. I think that Katiness trusts Rue because she has demonstrated great skills like jumping tree to tree and her ability to varify poisonous and edible berries. Also, like Wendy and other people said Rue is like Prim so, I think she wants to give that love to Rue but imagining that is Prim. Anyways she is small and harmless to Katiness. I also think that Rue is taking in the love and thats why she hasn't attempted to hurt her, anywas if she had she would have probably failed. In return Katiness helped her, took care of her and showed her the medison. Now Katiness have more knowledge her nature.
    I think that their friendship is more than companionship because their are not there together because of fellowship, they are there because they probably care for eachother and i know that Katiness does because she takes Rue as a sister, Rue probably does too because the knowledge she gave Katiness.
    I think that Katiness' and Rue's partnership is not the same as the other groups because they have a stragey and Katiness and Rue don't, they are there becausthey will probably think that the games will pass quicker like Joel. Also, to help each other out at times and to have company. Like sister.

  26. In my apinion I think how they resemble each other as sister bonds them together and as they help each other and starts to know each other more there bond grow stronger.

  27. I agree with Wendy Rua really does remind Katniss of Prim.

  28. I think Katniss and Rue trust each other because they are both very weak and defenceless. Katniss gains a lot of help because when you are fighting for your life, its easier to have someone by your side. I think their reasons are slightly different, but basicly the same. The other groups are trying to kill the weaker people, and Katniss and Rue are just trying to stay alive by killing other people. Their partnership was mainly formed so both of them would have a better chance for survival.

  29. I agree with Wendy, Prim is like Rue, so that gives Katniss the strength to keep going. Also, like Apurva said, Rue has demonstrated her skills, and I know from personal experience that when your ally in any kind of game, doesn't matter which, has proved itself in any kind of game, it gives you the strength to keep going and helps you. Both Katniss and Rue feel that way because of their talents that they share.

  30. I say Katniss trusts Rue because it reminds her of her little sister back home. She is a good food collector. She knows which food is good or bad.

  31. I agree with Joel because it made the most sense to me

  32. i agree with wendy that rue reminds her of her sister prim. I think they woukld be come great friends and own other groups.Then they could win i think they gain there friends ship.

  33. I think that Katniss has a special bond with Rue because Rue is like Prim Katnisses little sister that was supposed to be in the games but Katniss volunteered to go in instead. Katniss wants to stick up for Rue like she would stick up for Prim. Katniss also gains a partner in the games, love and a friend. Katniss and Rue's partner ship formed differently because Katniss thought of her like her sister not as a person who is a good killer or that has a good skill to survive. I agree with Cameron that Rue reminds her of her little sister.

  34. I think Katniss and Rue have become very close with eachother, because Rue has grown on Katniss to be known as her little sister. Their bond just keeps getting tighter because everytime Katniss looks at Rue, and talks to her, it reminds Katniss of Prim. They can trust eachother becasue they know that they will always have eacothers backs. There partnership is different from other peoples because, most of the other partners are just using eachother so they dont kill eachoter in the games, then in the end they will go and kill. Katniss and Rue are different because they could never kill eachother.

  35. When Katniss has to kill Rue, I think it will weigh heavily on her. She would not want to kill Rue because it would be like murdering Prim

  36. I think Katniss can trust Rue because Rue is not part of the Career Tributes,so Rue can't betray anyone.I think Katniss can gain strength from this bond so they can team up and kill the other Tributes toghether.then when it comes to the final showdown,they can kill the last tribute,then they face off and try to kill each other. i also agree with ehren.

  37. :O i didn't think of what Bailegh says, but i agree with her! :P

  38. -.- Ehren, you just ruined it! >:(

  39. I agree with Wendy about Rue

  40. I ship them sooo harrrddddd. All I wanted them to do was kiss.

  41. Omg, I agree with anon. I wanted them to be more than friends, I know it sound creepy, but they were meant to be. I cried when Rue passed. D:

  42. why katniss and rue trust each other

    1) mocking bird pin
    2) rue reminds katniss of her sister prim
    3) They help each other survive and look out for one another, a symbiotic relationship. And as demonstrated by the flowers. The help each other out of love.
    4) since rue is an older sister herself, she is usually the one to look after her younger siblings, much like katniss with prim. She takes care of Katniss in both life (bee hive) and death (boy tribute from her district spared Katniss)
    5) It is obvious that Katniss takes care of rue. Katniss represents her older sister and rue does not have to fend for herself (though she is capable) There is hope and comfort and not fighting and being alone.
    Rue does not have an older sister to take her place in the games. In a sense she is a younger version of Katniss.

    6) Even though there is only 1 winner in the games, Katniss would never kill Rue and Rue would never kill Katniss.

    This was a beautiful relationship. well done indeed

  43. I agree with Wendy!

  44. Everyone listen to Wendy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. They trusted each other because they both came from poor districts and disliked the capitol.
