Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hunger Games the Movie

Are you going to see the Hunger Games movie when it does come out?  make sure to support your answer.


  1. I probably will not see the Hunger Games Movie because I don't like teen movies or love stories. I like a good plot that delves into a confusing storyline. Movies that make you think for a few days then make you say,
    "Oh yeah! That makes sense!" :) Blog my peeps!

  2. Yes, I will see the Hunger Games movie when it comes out because I heard about it in the news, and it said it will be coming out sometime in 2013, and it showed the teaser trailer, which looked very interesting. The author, Suzanne Collins made the book very descriptive, so when we read the book, it was like having a movie in my head already. I think the Hunger Games could be a big franchise, and it could become the next Twilight Saga.

  3. I will also see the movie of The Hunger Games because movies that have action and suspense really interest me. I like that suspenseful feeling and how those movies about fighting pump you up.P.S I beat you Wendy.

  4. ya i will its an awsome book so the movie will also be amazing and i can totally see the whole fighting and what not. and ehren i also agree with the lovey dovey not being my favourite thing but it will also make the movie because on one hand you have death and blood then on the other you have a calming setting so the two make it completly amazing to watch

  5. So I didn't beat you, Wendy. But I got close. Also, I heard it comes out 2012, and the fan made trailers are awesome. But the thing is, the book might be better than the movie, just like some others are like some of the Harry Potters, and Eragon.

  6. I hope to watch the Hunger Games Movie once it is out because I think it is very interesting, and like Daniel said, there would be the fighting and everything. I also agree with Wendy and Lazar about the trailer. The trailers also look very interesting. By the way Wendy, I also think that Suzanne Collins made this book very descriptive. I hope the Hunger Games Movie is as interesting as the book. I can't wait until the movie comes out!

  7. I think that I'm probably not going to watch the Hunger Games movie when it comes out because I only go to the movies, like, 2 times a year... or less. Also, based on how violent the book is, the movie might be PG16 or something, so people might not be old enough to watch it. Mr.P, by the way, you forgot a capital in the question. I agree with Wendy how it might become another "Twilight". I agree with Daniel on how the movie is already playing in his head.

  8. I actually meant to say that I don't think I will be able to watch the Hunger Games because I never have time to go to the movies and like Jessie said, it probably is violent, but I hope I can watch this movie.

  9. No, I will not watch the movie. So far, the book doesn't interest me. And theres been a lot of lovey dovey stuff going on in the book which doesn't win me over for the movie. And plus, it's going to be a waste of money when Mr. P is reading the book to us, so why waste money to watch the whole book again on the big screen?! There's no reason, so people can just buy the book and read it over and over and get that movie/visualization playing in their heads instead of wasting like 20 bucks and more to pratically RENT the movie and only getting to see it once and need to pay if you want to watch it again. >:(

  10. WOW WHOEVER U ARE!!! i phoned Austin to ask him if we had blogging today!!! >:( and Mr. P can track u down :P its his blog. btw, cadets was boring today, i had to stay till 2 marching :O

  11. It wasn't me who wrote the WOW RICHARD, but hey, he's right. You have a really different opinion,

  12. :P i bet 0$ it was Joel or Ehren :P
    -Richard(This shall be my closing from now on)

  13. I think I would probably go see the movie because the book was very intense and I would love to see the games when it is played in the theaters

  14. Y are you guys righting ramdom stuff go on fb

  15. I am very sad to say that I would not go see it because I like the fighting in it,but you could drop the love story.

  16. I probably wont see the hunger games movie because it is not that interesting for me and I don't realy like that kind of plot and it sounds to romantic for me

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I argee with Ehren about the love storys,they seem boring.

  19. I am not watching this movie because its a waste of money and that love storys end up stupid and waste my time in life and who pays $16 for a movie when we can just here it from our AWESOME TEACHER MR.P and can hear it for FREE

  20. I agree with richard because when teher is to much lovey dovey stuff it ruins the whole movie for us boys when we could watch better movies or go outside instead and play

  21. Who's Timathy? I am getting confused here. I agree with Rasna.

  22. i might watch the movie because it is supense and the storyline is good i agree with about seeing the games.

  23. I was proved wtong i saw the trailer it was pretty awesome because it has Robert Downey Jr in it and lots of action but still i dont like the love story with peeta and Katniss

  24. I think I will watch the movie because I really like the book and I think this my type of book. I heard it is coming out near the end of 2012 or 2013. When you actually get to read it is a very very good book.

  25. It WAS NOT ME, joel :P

    ANYWAYS, I think i WILL watch the movie because if the books SOOO good, then the movie will give you a visual. I like the storyline because its so captivating. Its coming out around 2013, i think.

    But if the world ends in 2010, then how are we going to watch the movie???!!!

    haha just kiddin'!

  26. BTW, jessie, I don't think the people rate it PG-16...... But by the time it comes out most of us will be 14/15, so it doesn't really matter.

  27. YEAH! who IS Timothy????!!!!!

  28. I agree with Wendey and yes defintley i will go see the HUNGER GAMES with a freind.I will see it because the book is intersting and since i have listened to the book i will get a better understanding of the story.I think the down side of the book is it might make me cry since im very senstive.The book is very suspenseful and a great choice.I love this question cuse its easy.

  29. the one above me is mine (noor)

  30. oh my god who is tomathy people and iwill go on fb joel


  32. Austin where did you see the trailer?

  33. if there was a movie i would watch the movie becasue i think the book is interesting

  34. Who is anonymous? who is timathy? and why are there random comments being posted? I am so confused just like Jessie.

  35. Yes I would go see the movie when it comes out. It has alot of action, blood and fighting in it.
    I agree with Daniel because I can totally see his point of the fighting and the lovey dovey stuff would balance each other out.

  36. I don't think I'll be watching the movie becasue the book doesn't really interest me. Even though I like action movies I don't think this is the 1 for me. And by the way Jessie, they dont rate movies pg16. And stop putting your name as anonymous!

  37. Wow, I really agree with Cameron about how everything will balance out.

  38. I am probably not going to see the hunger games movie because I'm not really that much into thse kind of gladiater like game and I kind of have other movies Iant to watch.

  39. I agree with noor about the book being interesting. I think I would see the Hunger Games movie because it is a great book with a great story line, but some (a lot) of movies based on books are different than the book and they arn't as good as the book. But some times they are. So in conclusion I think that I would go see the Hunger Games movie.

  40. By the way, Chris, I DID NOT PUT MY NAME AS ANONYMOUS. I agree with Bridget on how some movies that are based on books don't turn out as well.
