When does Katniss first realize that Peeta does care for her and is trying to keep her alive? When does she realize her own feelings for him? Does Haymitch think all along that he could keep both alive by stressing the love story? Are they actually in love?
Katniss first realizes that Peeta cares for her and is trying to keep her alive when Peeta kissed her before the games started.She realizes her own feelings for him when he kissed her too.I think that Haymitch does think that he can keep them both alive by stressing the love story.I think that they can be in love, but they don't know that the other one loves them too.I think that Katniss had some feelings for Peeta before they even knew that they were in the Hunger Games.
ReplyDeleteShe notices it whan she leaves him,she finds out after she leaves him.Haymich does not think he can keep them both alive,I think they are both actually in love.
ReplyDeleteKatniss first realized that when Peeta saved her. I think they she realizes her own feelings for him when he saved her and figured his feelings for him. I think he could keep them alive by stressing the love story. If he had one save another, he could stop them from betraying each other so if they kill each other, the surviving one won't have to live the rest of his life in shame and guilt. I dunno if they're actually in love yet. Maybe... :P
ReplyDeleteI think that when Katniss was kissed by Peeta, she realizes that Peeta cares for her and is trying to keep her alive. I think that she realizes her own feelings for him when that kissing moment happened. I also think that Haymitch could keep them alive by stressing out the love story. I think that Baileigh made a good point that they can be in love but they don't realize that the other person loves them. I am not sure if Katniss and Peeta are actually in love.
ReplyDeletelol nvm this, i forgot the whole story, that site for spoilers was a lie :(
ReplyDeleteI think Katniss first realized that Peeta cares for her is when in the Games, Peeta decides to team up with a group of other tributes, so he could look after Katniss. When the tribute team began to attack Katniss, Peeta stopped one of them so she could escape. All her thoughts about Peeta were doubted after this event.
ReplyDeleteI think that is when she realized her own feelings for him. I agree with Quinn on how I think they're in love because in the beginning, when Katniss had the flashback on how Peeta gave her burnt bread when she was helpless and hungry, I think that is when Peeta liked her, and decided to give her food so she doesn't starve to death, even though they didn't know each other then.
ISABEL I think that katniss relized that she was in love with peeta when they were doing the interviews and he kissed her. she realize her own feelings for peter when durin the games, katniss had a lot of time to think about things and that was probably how she discovered she had feelings for peeta. Yes, i think that Haymitch thinks that all along that he could keep both alive by stressing the love story because it a really easy angle to play because it can get you sponsors and you can work together as a team. Yes I think that they are they actually in love because if they didn't love each other than it wouldn't be true.
ReplyDeleteKatniss first realized that Peeta cares for her when he helped her with the burned bread like Quinn said. I think Haymitch is bluffing to keep them both alive because they may not help each other in the games and Haymitch knows that they may not actually be in love.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Rasna with when Peeta kisses Katniss.
ReplyDeleteI think Katniss realizes that Peeta cares for her when he appears out of no where after she gets the bow and arrows from Glimmer.
ReplyDeleteI think that Katniss first relized that Peeta cares for her when the first interview before the games, and he said there is a girl... she is here with with me. Also when Peeta jions the careers, now people are prtecting him and he can protect Katiness now. When Peeta saved Katniss as well that really shows Katniss he doen't want to kill her. After all this happened Katniss probably had a change in her thoughts toward him. Also, like Wendy said when she had that flash back of the bread when she was helpless and was in need of desperate help.I think Haymitch was thinking all along he could keep them both alive because after he heard and saw the interview, also after that he probably noticed that they are in love. To me I think this is an advantage becuase he can breg about that and then more sponers will be for katniss and Peeta ,becuase no one want to kill love birds.
ReplyDeleteYes, i think they are in love.
I think Katniss realizes her feelings for Peeta after the hallucinations had passed. Yes, I think that Haymitch can keep Katniss and Peeta alive by bluffing, because judging by the shallowness of Katniss's make-up crew, Capitol people are pretty dumb. So then Haymitch can get more sponsors for them. I think Katniss DOES love Peeta, but she doesn't really know it yet. It started when Peeta threw her the bread. Also, I agree with Isabel, and by the way Isabel you made a bunch of spelling mistakes!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rasna.
ReplyDeleteya I guess Jessie is right
ReplyDeleteKatniss first realizes her her feelings for Peeta when they kissed before the games. Also in the game when Peeta saved Katniss from the careers. I think maybe at the beginning Katniss saw Peeta as a traitor for joining the careers, but later she relizes that he did it to protect her. Yes I tihnk that Haymitch thinks he can keep both of them alive by stressing the love story so they can look out for each other during the games. Yes, I think they are actually in love.
ReplyDeleteI think Jessie makes a very good point when she says that Haymitch can get more sponsers for them.
ReplyDeleteisabel did make a lot of mistakes!
ReplyDeletei alse agree with jessie when she says that Hymitch can get more sponsers for them
ReplyDeletei also agree with jessie when she says that Hymitch can get more sponsers for them
ReplyDeletei agree with wendey and i think that when peeta kissed kitnesss kitness took it more than it was ment and it was more like a goodluck kiss.im not sure if there in love
ReplyDeleteI think katniss first relized petta had feelings for her when she kissed her before the games started. She had feelings for petta when he kissed him. Yes, I think haymitch could still survive by stressing about love because they are both I love. Yes I think they are in love.
ReplyDeleteI like how Jessie said that haymitch can get more sponsers.
ReplyDeleteWho is Anonymous??
ReplyDeleteI think Katniss first realized Peeta's feelings for her when he saved her from the career tributes. Katniss discovered her own feelings for him also when he saved her because when someone does that kind of thing, you begin to like them. Haymitch does think that all along he could keep them alive by stressing the love story because they got sponsors. Also, like Apurva said, no one would want to kill love birds. And I think that they are in love.
ReplyDeleteya i agree with jessie also but i think that he is trying to show them that they are in love rather then tricking them into thinking they are in love
ReplyDeleteYep I agree with jessie looking at peeta and katniss they are rather expresing there felings to each other alot so I think that they already know that there in love or there just trying to keep there current relationship just like how haymich is trying to keep them both together.
ReplyDeleteWhen Katniss got Kissed by Peeta(lol),Katniss then realized that Peeta cared for her.When Haymitch would keep the Two Love birds in the air because love is a hard thing to Break,making them also get sponsors
ReplyDeleteI actually agree with EVERYBODY because everyone has such Great answer!!!!!!!!:)
ReplyDeleteI think that katmiss first realizes her feelings for peeta when he pushes her into the bush to save her and when he dosn't tell his group anything about her. Yes I think haymitch will be able to keep them both alive by stressing the capitol.
ReplyDeleteNoor, you made a lot of spelling mistakes :(